Homeowner Quote

Getting a homeowner insurance quote as a consumer was an arduous process that involved a phone call to an insurance sales rep. My challenge was to create an end-to-end solution that gives a consumer an accurate quote in 5 minutes or less, facilitate coverage modifications, select lenders to incorporate the premium into mortgage and purchase and bind your policy.

Homeowner policies are the bread & butter of Stillwater Insurance. Delivering the preliminary quote to consumers in 5 minutes or less is a key feature of all product line quotes.

A primary consumer goal is to get a quote easily and quickly.

Starting a quote is easy: select desired product and enter your zip code 


Select desired product 


Enter Zip Code and initiate Quoting process

Getting your quote as quickly as possible involves answering a few easy questions

Select the Property Type and How will the property be used…


Quick Quote Delivered.

After entering your address and basic personal info, a preliminary quote is presented to user. At this point in the flow, one can either save the quote or continue on with more details related to the property and get a final quote, purchase and bind the policy.




Review & Modify Coverages, Make a Payment and Get Covered.

A user can choose to modify their coverages (or not) and continue to the purchase screens. The payment screen allows for easy comparison between each payment plan and specific costs for each. 





All wireframes & prototypes created with Figma